SDK Updates

This document outlines the expectations and process for updating to new versions of the ReadyRemit SDK.


ReadyRemit SDK versions follow a "release version" syntax with two parts separated by a period.


  • v5.0
  • v5.4

The first part of the version number represents the "release" number and is incremented with every new release. The second part of the version presents the "patch" number and is incremented with every new release patch or hot fix.


Patches and hot fixes

Some releases will not have patches or hot fixes. In this case, versions might go from v25.0 to v26.0.

Release schedule

Typically, new "release" versions of the The ReadyRemit SDK will be available every 4 weeks.

New "patch" versions can be released anytime a high priority issue is identified in a release.

Supported versions

The following rules define SDK version support:

  • The version you are "on" is defined as the newest version for which API calls have been received by all of your active ReadyRemit SDKs.
  • Only the most recent four (4) "release" versions are considered supported.
  • Unsupported versions will no longer receive minor version updates and may no longer work correctly.


  • You are currently on version 5
  • Version 5.4 is released on 2024-02-01
  • Version 2.2 is now no longer supported


Updates to new SDK versions will be available on whatever platform the SDK is provided as well as via Email to the provided distribution list.

Any instructions for upgrading between breaking versions will be provided by the ReadyRemit Integrations Team along with any release notes.

Update process

  1. Go to the Github repository for your applicable platform and navigate to the "Releases" section:
    1. iOS:
    2. Android:
  2. Follow the platform specific instructions for updating the SDK package
    1. Android: Replace the ReadyRemit.aar file in your your_app_root/app/libs directory.
    2. iOS: Open your Project in XCode and go to the Project -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Replace the ReadyRemit SDK by dragging and dropping the downloaded file onto the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" section of the settings.