API v1.35

  • Enabled Mastercard Self-Serve Cancellations, allowing users to cancel transfers in a Dodd-Frank hold, expanding on existing Visa OCT and MoneyGram capabilities.
  • Customer-specific BIN lists will now be enforced only for sender-side cards, excluding recipient cards.
  • Resolved an issue where BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE options from the GET /Recipient Account Fields endpoint were not translated into Spanish when the Accept-Language header was set to es-MX.
  • Enhanced error messaging to provide clearer and more informative feedback for a better user experience.

Admin Portal v1.4.2

Release Date: February 18, 2025
This release includes the addition of fields to the transfer listing and details pages that show the settlement amount and date funds were debited from an account:

Admin Portal v1.4.1

Release Date: January 23, 2025
This release includes enhancements to the ReadyRemit Admin Portal user experience, focusing on making it easier to copy and paste key data and improving the user management process​:

Admin Portal v1.4

Release Date: December 19, 2024
Includes enhancements to the ReadyRemit Admin Portal user experience, focusing on providing more granular control on data selection and guidance on status definitions in the ReadyRemit ecosystem​:​

Web SDK 2.0

  • Expanded User Insights: Gain deeper visibility into user behavior with detailed, contextual analytics to drive targeted improvements and optimize the overall experience.
  • General Enhancements: Bug fixes, performance and security updates and minor UI changes that improve the user’s experience.

API v1.33

  • Implemented logic to identify and exclude inactive senders and recipients in API responses.
  • Changed the Visa VAU (Visa Account Updater) service to be a configurable feature per customer and not a mandatory charge.
  • Updated error messaging on the GET Transfers endpoint to provide clearer feedback when a transfer is not found.
  • Resolved an issue where card proxy numbers were being duplicated during transfer submission when using SDK version 8.0.
  • Fixed the response handling for duplicate transfer submissions using the same quote ID.
  • Resolved an issue with updating P2C transfer statuses to ensure they are processed correctly.
  • Fixed a validation issue that produced an unhandled exception when creating senders via the API.

Mobile SDK v9.0

• Expanded User Insights: Gain deeper visibility into user behavior with detailed, contextual analytics to drive targeted improvements and optimize the overall experience.
• Enhanced User Navigation: Improved state handling ensures seamless navigation and reduces potential defects.
• Easy Integration: Now available via the CocoaPods package manager.
• UI Enhancements: Minor enhancements to improve overall usability and polish.
• Support Updates: Full compatibility with Xcode 16 and Swift 6.

API v1.32.3

  • Added new fields to the Daily Transfers report: FX Rate, Transfer Method, Destination Country, Destination Currency.

API v1.32

  • Improvements & bug fixes.

API v1.31

  • Implemented the cancellation endpoint to cancel OCT transfers that are held in Dodd-Frank.
  • Updated card onboarding logic to no longer check customer settings and instead use PAAI card data from Visa as the source of truth.
  • Enhanced errors shown to users when there are issues retrieving a quote.
  • Updated messaging if the transfer method is incorrect on POST Transfers.
  • Added Spanish and Dutch translations to GET /corridors endpoint.
  • Fixed POST Create Recipient to return translated values.