
Before going live with cross-border remittances using ReadyRemit, the integration must be certified.

There are two certification methods available:

  1. Self-guided Certification - in this method, you will execute certification tests in your own test environment and provide screen recordings of the tests to the ReadyRemit Implementations Team.
  2. Managed Certification - in this method, you will provide the ReadyRemit Implementations Team with access to several accounts in your test environment. The ReadyRemit Implementations Team will execute test cases and provide you with feedback.


  • Test environment connected to the ReadyRemit Sandbox environment
  • Two(2) users (User A and User B) who do not have associated ReadyRemit Sender IDs

Self-guided Certification

Step 1: Start a screen recording on your mobile device or browser

Step 2: Execute the test cases listed below

Step 3: Share the screen recording, and the date/time of the test execution with the ReadyRemit Implementations Team.

Test CaseSteps
TC011. Initiate a ReadyRemit transfer flow with User A
2. Select any PUSH_TO_CARD corridor
3. Complete the transfer
4. Show that the user's account balance has been reduced correctly

Tests that a new Sender record is created
Tests that the new Sender ID is used to authenticate for the flow
Tests that User A's account balance is reduced correctly based on Total Cost
TC02Without closing the application

1. Log out as User A
2. Log in with User B
3. Complete a transfer to any corridor with any method
4. Show that User B's account balance has been reduced correctly

Tests that a new Sender is created for a different user
Tests that the correct user is used to authenticate with ReadyRemit
Tests that the correct user's account balance is reduced
TC031. Log in with any user
2. Attempt to complete a transfer with a send amount greater than the account balance by 50 cents
3. Show that the transfer is not completed because of an insufficient balance

Tests that balance checks are performed correctly
Tests that balance checks are inclusive of fee amount
TC041. Log in with any user
2. Complete a transfer to Mexico (select BANK_ACCOUNT if you intend on enabling this payment method in production)

- Bank Account:630006000011234567
- Bank Name:Bank of Mexico

Tests that Transfer Fields are sent to the ReadyRemit API correctly
TC05.1If PUSH_TO_CARD is an enabled transfer method

1. Log in with any user
2. Initiate a transfer to USA/USD with PUSH_TO_CARD
3. Add a card with the following test card details
- Card Number: 4761739999000213
- Expiration Date: 12 2031
- CVV2: 684
4. Attempt to complete the transfer
5. Show that the error message from the ReadyRemit API is correctly displayed to the user

Tests that ReadyRemit API errors are correctly shown to the user
TC05.2 If BANK_ACCOUNT is an enabled transfer method

6. Log in with any user
7. Initiate a transfer to GBR/GBP with BANK_ACCOUNT
8. Add a bank account with the following test card details
- IBAN: GR63BARC20035349155846
- Bank Name: Allfunds bank
4 Attempt to complete the transfer
9. Show that the error message from the ReadyRemit API is correctly displayed to the user

Tests that ReadyRemit API errors are correctly shown to the user
TC061. Log in with any user
2. Complete a transfer to any corridor with any transfer method
3. Show that the user's balance was reduced correctly
4. Contact the ReadyRemit Integrations Team and request that the transfer be canceled
5. Show that the user's account balance is increased correctly

Tests that integration to the Transfer Status Webhook is complete
Tests that the user's account balance is increased on a cancellation
TC07If KYC is enabled

1. Create a new user in ReadyRemit via API request to the POST /senders endpoint.
- IMPORTANT: The user must be willing to submit their personal information for evaluation
- Ensure all requested information is accurate
2. Submit the request and evaluate the response. The kyc_status value should be set to PASSED.
- Record the sender ID that is returned in the response.
3. Update this same sender via API request to the PUT /senders endpoint. Change the following information:
- Change the Address Line 1.
- Change the Zip code to be off by several numbers.
- Change the Phone number to be different by several numbers.
4. Submit the request and evaluate the response. The KYC status should be set to ID_REQUIRED.
5. Have this sender log into the ReadyRemit SDK (iOS or Android can be used).
- Ensure the user has a driver's license or passport handy.
6. Begin a transfer to any corridor with any available transfer method.
7. After accepting a quote, the user should be instructed to submit proof of their identity.
8. Follow the instructions presented screen by screen. The user will be asked to submit a picture of their ID document and a selfie.
9. When finished the user will be navigated back into ReadyRemit to continue submitting the transfer.
10. Submit the transfer and ensure it goes through without any errors

- If successful, share the sender ID that was recorded in step 2 so we can evaluate whether the user was evaluated correctly.
- if any errors were encountered during the process, share the error message and any codes that were displayed.

Tests the KYC evaluation of a user's data
Tests the KYC evaluation of an ID document