Error codes returned from the API. All errors are associated with a user facing error message that can be shown to the end user.
Error Code | Cause | Resolution |
SenderUndetermined | Sender ID not included in the request or auth token when performing an operation that requires a Sender ID. | Ensure the sender_id field is being included in the request body when requesting an access token OR the senderId property is included in the request body of the payload in question (Create Recipient, Create Transfer, etc.) |
SenderNotFound | Specified sender not found the request or auth token when performing an operation that requires a Sender ID. | Ensure the sender_id included in the request or auth token is correct. |
InvalidSenderName | Sender name is missing or invalid when creating or updating a sender. | Ensure the required sender fields are populated based on the response from GET /sender-fields .If the senderType value is PERSON , the firstName and lastName fields must be populated. If the senderType is BUSINESS , the companyName field must be populated. |
SenderNotCreated | There was an issue creating the sender. See the error message for more details | See the error message for resolution. |
SenderNotUpdated | There was an issue updating the sender. See the error message for more details | See the error message for resolution. |
InvalidTypeOfId | The provided value in the ID_TYPE field is not valid when creating or updating a sender. | Ensure the ID_TYPE value is valid for the given sender type based on the response from GET /sender-id :If the senderType is PERSON , valid values for ID_TYPE are SSN , PASSPORT , DRIVERS_LICENSE , or GID (Government issued ID)If the senderType is BUSINESS , the ID_TYPE must be TIN (Tax identification number) |
SenderInvalidTypeOfIdLength | The provided value in the ID_NUMBER field does not match the format expected for the associated ID_TYPE when creating or updating a sender. | If the ID_TYPE is TID or SSN , ensure the length ID_NUMBER is 9 characters. |
SenderInvalidDateOfBirthUnder18 | The sender's date of birth indicates the sender is under the age of 18 when creating or updating a sender. | Do not attempt to create senders under the age of 18. |
RecipientNotFound | The provided recipientId does not match any recipients in the system specifying a recipient. | Double check the recipientId passed in the URL path parameter or in the request body.Double check that the recipient being requested belongs to the sender specified in the auth token. |
InvalidRecipientId | The recipientId provided in the URL path parameter or the request body is in the wrong format when specifying a recipient. | Ensure the recipientId is formatted as a GUID. |
InvalidRecipientName | Recipient name is missing or invalid when creating or updating a recipient. | Ensure the required recipient fields are populated based on the response from GET /recipient-fields .If the recipientType value is PERSON , the firstName and lastName fields must be populated. If the recipientType is BUSINESS , the companyName field must be populated. |
RecipientInvalidTypeOfIdLength | The provided value in the ID_NUMBER field does not match the format expected for the associated ID_TYPE when creating or updating a recipient. | If the ID_TYPE is TID or SSN , ensure the length ID_NUMBER is 9 characters. |
RecipientInvalidPhoneNumber | Phone number does not match the expected format when creating or updating a recipient. | Ensure the phone number is being formatted correctly according to the specification. |
RecipientAccountNotFound | The provided recipientAccountId does not match any recipient accounts in the system when specifying a recipient account. | Double check the recipientAccountId passed in the URL path parameter or in the request body.Double check that the recipient account being requested belongs to the recipient specified in the URL path. |
InvalidRecipientAccountId | The recipientAccountId provided in the URL path parameter or the request body is in the wrong format when specifying a recipient account. | Ensure the recipientAccountId is formatted as a GUID. |
Max24HourSendAmountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a sender has reached their send amount limit within a 24 hour period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max7DaysSendAmountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a sender has reached their send amount limit within a 7 day period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max24HourTotalCostLimitReached | This error is thrown when a sender has reached their total cost limit within a 24 hour period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max7DaysTransferCountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a sender has reached the number of transfers that can be sent in a 7 day period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max24HourTransferCountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a sender has reached the number of transfers that can be sent in a 24 hour period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max24HourSendAmountLimitReachedExceed | This error is thrown when the current transfer would exceed the send amount limit within a 24 hour period for a sender. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max7DaysSendAmountLimitReachedExceed | This error is thrown when the current transfer would exceed the send amount limit within a 7 day period for a sender. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max24HourTotalCostLimitReachedExceed | This error is thrown when the current transfer would exceed the total cost limit, for a sender, within a 24 hour period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max24HourRecipientSendAmountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a recipient has reached their receive amount limit within a 24 hour period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max7DaysRecipientSendAmountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a recipient has reached their receive amount limit within a 7 day period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
MaxMonthlyRecipientSendAmountLimitReached | This error happens when the receive amount limit for a recipient has been met for a monthly period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
Max24HourRecipientTransferCountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a recipient has reached the number of transfers that can be received in a 24 hour period. | Wait for time period to reset. |
MaxMonthlyRecipientTransferCountLimitReached | This error is thrown when a recipient has reached the number of transfers that can be received within a month. | Wait for time period to reset. |
MinCashPayerTransactionLimitNotReached | This error is thrown when the send amount is less than the amount required for the cash pickup location. | Wait for time period to reset. |
MaxCashPayerTransactionLimitExceeded | This error is thrown when the send amount is more than the amount allowed for the cash pickup location. | Wait for time period to reset. |
TransferNotFound | No transfer was found matching the specified transferId | Verify that the transferId passed in the URL path parameter is correct and that the transfer was created by the authenticated sender. |
TransferReceiptNotFound | No receipt was found for the given transferId . | Verify that the transferId passed in the URL path parameter is correct and that the transfer was created by the authenticated sender. |
InsufficientFunds | The transfer amount exceeds the remaining balance for your account. | In a sandbox environment, contact your Brightwell support representative to resolve this issue. In a production environment, ensure your settlement account is funded. |
InvalidAmount | The specified transfer amount is invalid. | Ensure the amount specified is an integer according to the Currencies documentation |
SourceOfFundsRequired | The sourceOfFunds field was not included in the request and is required. | Ensure the sourceOfFunds field is populated. |
SourceOfFundsInvalid | The value for sourceOfFunds is invalid. | The value for sourceOfFunds should be BUSINESS |
QuoteAmountChanged | The rate or fee has changed for this corridor since the provided quote was fetched. | Fetch a new quote using the Get Quote endpoint. |
QuoteAmountChangedOfac | The rate or fee has changed for this corridor since the provided quote was fetched. | Fetch a new quote using the Get Quote endpoint. |
CardProvidedCannotBeUsedForThisTransaction | The provided card is invalid or inactive. | Create a new card or choose a different transfer method or this transfer. |
TransferDuplicatedByQuote | A transfer has already been submitted using the specified quoteHistoryId . | Ensure this transfer submission was intentional and not an accidental resubmission. All unique transfers must have unique a quoteHistoryId . You can fetch a new quoteHistoryId using the Get Quote endpoint. |
NoQuoteHistoryIdProvided | A quoteHistoryId was expected in the request body but not provided. | You can fetch a new quoteHistoryid using the Get Quote endpoint. |
QuoteHistoryNotFound | No quote was found matching the quoteHistoryId that was provided. | Ensure the provided quoteHistoryId is valid and matches a quote that was fetched by the authenticated sender. |
SourceTransferMethodNotFound | An invalid value was provided for the sourceTransferMethod | Verify the value provided for source transfer method is valid. |
BusinessOrDataValidationError | ||
InvalidCardIssuerCountry | The issuer country specified on the card that was used for the source of funds is invalid. | Ensure the card being used as a source of funds is a valid Visa or Mastercard Debit card issued in the US. |
QuoteByReceiveNotSupported | The quoteBy property was set to RECEIVE_AMOUNT which is not supported by the remittance provider. | Use the SEND_AMOUNT value for quoteBy or contact your Brightwell Support representative. |
QuoteByReceiveNotEnabled | The quoteBy property was set to RECEIVE_AMOUNT but quotes by receive amount are not enabled for this account. | Use the SEND_AMOUNT value for quoteBy or contact your Brightwell Support representative. |
QuoteByReceiveForTransferMethodNotEnabled | The quoteBy property was set to RECEIVE_AMOUNT which is not supported for the specified transfer method. | Use the SEND_AMOUNT value for quoteBy or contact your Brightwell Support representative. |
SourceCardAndReceivingCardMustBeUnique | The card specified as the source of funds was the same card specified as the recipient account. | Use a different card for the source of funds or the recipient account. |
PurposeOfRemittanceRequired | The purposeOfRemittance field is required but was not found in the request body. | Populate the purpose of remittance field in the request. |
SourceAccountNotSupported | Source of funds was set to PULL_FROM_CARD but this source of funds is not enabled for the account. | Use a different source of funds or contact your Brightwell Support representative. |
ErrorGettingQuote | Internal error retrieving quote. | In the sandbox environment, this might be a result of a temporary outage. In production, please reach out to your Brightwell support representative. |
MaxLimitOutOfRange | Maximum allowable amount exceeded for this transaction. | Resend the transfer with an Amount that doesn't exceed the maximum allowed amount |
NoCorridorFoundForSpecificValues | No corridor exists or is enabled that matches the destination country, destination currency, and transfer method combination specified in the request. | Ensure the correct country, currency, and transfer method are being submitted. Ensure the corridor in question is enabled based on the response from GET /corridors |
UnsupportedCountry | Value passed for the destination country ISO 3 code is invalid. | Check to make sure that the value entered for the destination country ISO 3 code is correct. |
NotEmptyValidator | A required field is missing. | Verify that all required fields are populated. |
TransferRequestNotFound | No Transfer Request was found matching the provided transferRequestId | Ensure the value passed for transferRequestId is correct. |
BadRequestError | The request was formatted incorrectly or missing required information. | Verify ID values are in the correct UUID format. Verify date values are in the ISO 8861 format. |
RspTransferException | There was an issue submitting the transfer to the remittance provider. | Contact your Brightwell support representative for more information. |
CardNotSupported | The provided card does not support remittances. | Ensure the card is either a Visa debit card or a Mastercard debit card. Ensure the card is not a prepaid card. If it still doesn't work, try submitting a different card. |
ExpiryDateRequired | The expiration date is required to set up this card for remittances but was not sent in the request. | Submit the card's expiration date in the request body. |
InvalidCardOnboardingSession | The card onboarding session is invalid or inactive. | Start a new card onboarding session and resubmit the card data. |
MinCardholderNames | The cardholder name must contain at least a first and last name. | Verify that the submitted cardholder name has at least 2 names included in the field. |
CC404 | The specified corridor was not found. | Ensure the correct country, currency, and transfer method are being submitted. Ensure the corridor in question is enabled based on the response from GET /corridors |
MissingRequiredField | A required field was not submitted in the request. | Ensure all required fields are populated according to the list of required fields returned from the API. For example, when creating a recipient, use the GET /recipient-fields endpoint to see a list of required fields. |
ValueRegexFailure | A field value was submitted which does not match the regex validation pattern. | Ensure the submitted values match specified regex patterns. Regex validations are available in the associated GET /*-fields endpoint. For example, when creating a recipient, use the GET /recipient-fields endpoint to see regex validations associated with fields. |
BillingAndDestinationCurrencyCodeDiscrepancyError | The currency of the card attached to the sender or recipient account does not match the corresponding currency of the transfer | Ensure quote and card currencies match. For example, if attempting to send 500 MXN to Mexico using PUSH_TO_CARD , ensure the destination card supports MXN. Some cards might be USD instead. |