API v1.28
May 4th, 2024
- Added a validation endpoint to check the creation status of a transfer in the event the POST transfer request times out.
- This endpoint accepts the quote ID submitted in the transfer request and confirms if the transfer was completed or failed to process.
- Added functionality to log the acceptance of published privacy policies and terms and conditions.
- Updated the quoting by receive amount process to include Visa bank account/wallet as a transfer type.
- Added support for card brand Maestro in ReadyRemit.
- Fixed the release of to-account transfers from a Dodd-Frank hold.
- Fixed a GET quote rounding error if the currency specifies zero decimal places.
- Updated text in the ReadyRemit API to return a clearer message, corrected capitalization and improved the translation text for Spanish.
- Fixed the GET quote endpoint to account for minimum limits for USA transfers.
- Fixed the sort order of fields returned on the GET Transfer endpoint.
- Fixed multiple endpoint responses so account fields show a name instead of an ID.
- Fixed logic to ensure a card is blocked if a bank does not accept OCT transfers.